The last thing I’ve been concerned with during the last few years is my website. It seemed pretty remote from the flesh and blood we’ve been dealing with here. When I discovered I’d lost four years of all site updates, I was so exasperated I thought maybe I should just shut it down. But no. What I do is write stuff. It needs to be available. So, onward. I’ve had my wonderful web guy, Mark Wise, help me update. Have you ever browsed this site? I’ll bet you just go straight here, to the blog post. My site is really, really nice, I must say. Let me give you a Tour of the Tabs, Ta-Da!
- Okay, you’re now on the “Fleda’s Blog” page. Go to top of page and far left to “Home.” On this page, besides the featured new book, I tell you about new published poems and essays. And give you links to sites where I’ve talked about poetry or have poems published.
On the “About Fleda” page, notice the links to the side. The interesting one is “Video Interview.” You can see Younger Fleda here, when I was poet laureate of Delaware, in my living room, talking about how I write, what poetry does, with photos of my family—a classy video, courtesy of The University of Delaware. I have to say they were enormously supportive of my role in the state. I am wearing that sweater today, in honor. I can’t wear our old house. I still miss it.
The “Books” page has descriptions of all my books and links to buy them. They’re all still available. Really.
- The “Events” page is a mess, ever since the catastrophic loss of four years. And it’s been impossible for me to flit around the country these days. That’s okay. I am not a great fan of flitting, anyhow.
- “Fleda’s Blog” page, “My Wobbly Bicycle,” has some archives, but you’ll notice they skip from January 2014 to April 2018. I started the posts in 2011. That’s seven years! The site is older than that.
- The “Poems” page is all new. Free poems here. From The Woods Are On Fire.
Also on this page there are two “Multimedia” links. The first is a short and utterly gorgeous video (made by David Poinsett) of Bill Allen and me talking about our exhibit at the Dennos Museum in Traverse City, with images of Bill’s work and what the whole thing looked like on the walls at the museum.
The second sends you to Kevin Puts’ website, where you can listen to a snippet of “Einstein on Mercer Street,” the piece we did together for the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble that’s since been played in many places. The libretto poem is in The Woods Are On Fire.
- The next tab describes my column for the Record-Eagle and on-air for Interlochen Public Radio.
- The last is an offer to come visit your book group or any other group. In spite of my lack of enthusiasm for travel, I enjoy doing this if I can reach you easily, or if you pay my plane ticket.
If you have comments or thoughts about the site, please let me know. If you want email notice of new Wobbly Bicycle posts instead of depending on catching them on Facebook, send me an email at