What’s New
My new book of poems, Flying Through a Hole in the Storm, won the Hollis Summers Prize from Ohio University Press and is an Indie Finalist. You can order it from your local bookstore or from the press.
Mortality, with Friends, (essays) from Wayne State University Press. This collection is the product of ten years of essay-writing. The book is a Foreword Indies Gold winner and Midwest Book Award winner in memoir.
• “Afternoons at the Lake” from The Southern Review, was selected for Best American Poetry, 2019. This is, ahem, the third time I’ve had a “Best American” poem.
• “Wounded Dog,” is in the Summer/Fall issue of Alaska Quarterly Review
• “Letter from Battle Creek” and “Damage,” just out in The Gettysburg Review, Summer 2019
• Featured poet, Four poems and an interview by Julie Brooks Barbor, Connotations Press (July 2019)
• “Wakened by Crows,” Triquarterly (Jan 14, 2019)
• “Edward Hopper’s Automat” - Verse Daily
• Check this out! Fleda is interviewed by Lia Purpura in Bookslut.com.
• Fleda talks about writing on How A Poem Happens